Video Games

Video games, arcade, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.


Review of Among the Sleep Alpha

A few months back, I’d heard of an interesting horror game called Among the Sleep, and only recently found it once more when they released a behind the scenes video of their environment testing. Intrigued and excited, I decided to look more into it. The game stars a two year old child who wakes up

[Contests and Giveaways]

Piggsy Needs a Home Contest

Update Piggsy has made his way home, all the way to Sweden! Winner Congratulations Daniella R., the winner of a #20 impossible to find (not just rare anymore) limited edition Piggsy display for her drawing (featured right). I hope you make a nice and cozy home for Piggsy, but don’t feed him too much… “Piggsy’s

[Video Games]

Manhunt 3 Inevitable with the Success of The Last of Us

As a huge fan of both the original Manhunt and the recent Last of Us, I can’t help but notice the strong similarities between the two games. No, I’m not making this snap judgment based on the simple fact that they’re both difficult, stealth games with violent, horror aspects, it’s much deeper than that. Whether


The Last of Us Review

For a long while now, the line between cinema and video games has been blurred. I can tell you, after just finishing The Last of Us, the line no longer exists. I’m a fairly avid video gamer and video game stories have been getting better and better, but this is the first time a video

[Bite-sized Horror]

Mob of the Dead

UPDATE — Character bios: UPDATE — And here’s the official trailer: UPDATE — A video that takes a much closer look at “Mob of the Dead” was released on Xbox Live, but not officially online yet. A few fans recorded it and put it up on YouTube, naturally. Have a look: Very exciting news, we’re

[Bite-sized Horror]

Black Ops 2 Zombies Teaser Trailer + Full Reveal Coming Sep 26

First, have a look at the preview: UPDATE — And now, the full trailer: Being the single player loner that I am, I can’t wait to experience the new Zombies campaign or story mode, something I’ve been cheering for, for a long time. But, if this doesn’t get you excited for all the unknown new

[Bite-sized Horror]

Rezurrection: Official Preview

Screenshots Moon Night (Nacht der Üntoten) Asylum (Verrückt) Swamp (Shi No Numa) Factory (Der Riese)

[Bite-sized Horror]

Rezurrection: A Bitter Sweet Last Map Pack for Black Ops

I’m definitely excited that this map pack is coming. However, it is a little bitter sweet that it took so long and happened this way. The pack includes 4 maps that were originally released when Black Ops first came out and 1 new map. Those maps were remakes of the original 4 maps from World

[Bite-sized Horror]

Freddy Krueger Coming to Mortal Kombat

Freddy Krueger (from A Nightmare on Elm Street) is coming as a DLC (Downloadable Content) playable character for the latest Mortal Kombat video game. Take a look: I’m a bit disappointed they decided to go with the 2010 remake look for Freddy instead of the classic, although the audio tracks and fatalities appear to be