TV series, reality shows, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Something More]

The Oscars: Women and Black People and Horror Movies, Oh My!

The Oscars have come under a lot of fire in recent years for their lack of diversity. Last week’s show appears to be the most diverse award show held yet. This of course is nothing new that I’m reporting here, as there’s been no shortage of coverage of these issues. I’m seeing plenty of coverage


Let’s Talk About IT 🎈

IT. Oh boy, is there so much I want to talk about. I’ve had so many excited thoughts about IT going on over the past month or so in bits and pieces: the book, the TV movie, and the theatrical movie. Pieces that I might not have enough to say about respectively in order to


List of Sci-fi and Horror Channels

Horror channels have always been obscure and far and few in-between. Most of us would love to subscribe to one of them, but beyond them being so hard to find in the first place, even when you do find them, it seems it’s not worth the $100+/month bill it’ll take to order some shitty cable


Real Nightmares: Behind the Scenes Photos

A Nightmare on Elm Street: Real Nightmares was canned well over a decade ago now, but the internet never forgets. A few years back, previous HL writer John asked for contestants to come forward if they had any information. A year ago, one contestant came forward and offered up some information, but unfortunately they went

[Bite-sized Horror]

Shudder is Finally Available for Xbox One!

Yes! Finally! I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Despite never actually trying Shudder yet, I subscribed and paid that subscription for a long time when Shudder first arrived. Perhaps as my way of supporting the new company? In any case, I’m not a big fan of watching my entertainment on mobile devices.

[Bite-sized Horror]

Crispin Hellion Motherfuckin’ Glover

Crispin Glover, who finally made an appearance on the latest episode of American Gods, is indeed one of my own personal American Gods. I love that guy. While American Gods is one hell of an interesting show all on its own already (which you should check out if you haven’t yet), and the latest horror


Twin Peaks (2017) — First Impressions and Advice for New Fans

Oh my, I’m loving, absolutely loving the new Twin Peaks. It makes me happy in my tummy-tum-tum. It’s so hilarious, wonderfully bizarre, and has an insane amount of cameos. I’m not talking about returning actors and favorite characters, but famous actors in general who clearly just wanted to be in a Twin Peaks episode, popping

[Something More]

Horror & Sci-Fi: Helping Us Cope with Reality

I don’t think any other genres can cover social commentary and widespread fears the way storytelling in horror and sci-fi are able to. There’s just something so rich about these genres that allows for the best palette. I think the heightened reality and poignant themes really illustrate complicated issues and ideas well. As pattern-seekers, we’ll


Twin Peaks Homework Done — Ready for its Continuation Here in 2017

I don’t think there’s any body of work, in either film or television, that has quite the same cult following as Twin Peaks. Despite knowing this for many years, only now, 27 years after its release, have I finally made the journey. In just the past few days, I binged my way through the first


Happy Birthday Joe Bob Briggs! Revisiting MonsterVision

In 1985, then self proclaimed “drive-in critic”, Joe Bob Briggs, launched a one man show in Cleveland titled “An Evening with Joe Bob” (later retitled “Joe Bob Dead in Concert” which can be found quite easily if you know how to Google). The success of this traveling show landed him a gig with TMC hosting