

Too Good to Last Part 2: Remembering the Eaglemoss Horror Collection 2007

Welcome to the concluding part of my look back at ‘The Horror Collection’ a short lived magazine published by Eaglemoss during 2007. The first part of this trip down memory lane can be found here and gives an insight into how ‘Partwork’ magazines such as these have been a constant presence in British newsagents for


The 10 Most Awesome Images Found on Social Media — Week #1

We live in a social media obsessed society, and whether we like it or not, our days are ruled over by things like Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram. As someone who writes for a living, and therefore spends most of his days sitting at home on the computer, I know this all too well. To


Texas Chainsaw 3D Review

Contains Spoilers — Where to begin, what can you say? Let’s start with this, if you expected this to be a great film or to come anywhere near being as good as the original, you will be severely disappointed. If like me, you thought even the trailer didn’t make the movie look very good and