
Vestron Video Collector’s Series: The Unholy

It’s rare that I’ll write about an old cult movie newly released on Blu-ray that I hadn’t originally seen in the past. However, the new release of The Unholy in the Vestron Video Collector’s Series is the first time I recall ever seeing the movie. I liked it, but wanted to love it. It came

[Bite-sized Horror]

Shudder is Finally Available for Xbox One!

Yes! Finally! I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Despite never actually trying Shudder yet, I subscribed and paid that subscription for a long time when Shudder first arrived. Perhaps as my way of supporting the new company? In any case, I’m not a big fan of watching my entertainment on mobile devices.

[Video Games]

Falling Through the Cracks: Zombies Chronicles

When I was a much younger horror fan, I obsessively scoured the internet for hours, every day, for any picture, snippet, interview, preview, or rumor I could get my hands on for upcoming horror releases. When I was in school and in study hall, I’d always pretend to need to go to the library to

[Bite-sized Horror]

Crispin Hellion Motherfuckin’ Glover

Crispin Glover, who finally made an appearance on the latest episode of American Gods, is indeed one of my own personal American Gods. I love that guy. While American Gods is one hell of an interesting show all on its own already (which you should check out if you haven’t yet), and the latest horror


A Cure for Wellness

A Cure for Wellness is yet another movie I love that appears to be poorly received almost universally, if reviews and ratings are to be believed. A lot of the movies I love are unloved by the masses. Of course, while what’s “good” or “bad” can never be an objective absolute, I do constantly struggle


Twin Peaks (2017) — First Impressions and Advice for New Fans

Oh my, I’m loving, absolutely loving the new Twin Peaks. It makes me happy in my tummy-tum-tum. It’s so hilarious, wonderfully bizarre, and has an insane amount of cameos. I’m not talking about returning actors and favorite characters, but famous actors in general who clearly just wanted to be in a Twin Peaks episode, popping

[Something More]

Horror & Sci-Fi: Helping Us Cope with Reality

I don’t think any other genres can cover social commentary and widespread fears the way storytelling in horror and sci-fi are able to. There’s just something so rich about these genres that allows for the best palette. I think the heightened reality and poignant themes really illustrate complicated issues and ideas well. As pattern-seekers, we’ll

[Something More]

Why Do We Have such a Powerful Emotional Reaction to AI in Science Fiction?

I’ve always been deeply, deeply affected by AI (Artificial Intelligence) in fiction. Blade Runner, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, and Humans are especially important examples because they express the potential for goodness and connection more so than the dangers of enslaved humans as depicted in films like: The Terminator and The Matrix (also very important AI movies).


Outlast II is Reverse Children of the Corn

I very much expected to enjoy Outlast II because I enjoyed the first one, but was truly blown away at just how rich of a setting the sequel is set in. Heavily influenced by: Children of the Corn (or reverse Children of the Corn as I said because here we have the adults killing off


Xeno Pooch: Remembering the Time Alien 3 Tried to Use a REAL Dog in a Suit!

It’s well documented that David Fincher’s Alien 3 was a seriously troubled production from start to finish and beyond. The script was a constantly changing mash-up of ideas that had come from multiple writers. Fincher wearily fought with executives over the budget and filming schedule most days. And the effects team were challenged with producing