Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies

Tutorials, recipes, goodies, food, drink, crafts, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Guest Posts]

Melted Wicked Witch Punch

Hubble, bubble, toil, and trouble, the Wicked Witch of the West has been melted into a sweet, green puddle. Elphaba left her spell casting hand and black hat behind. This morbid but delicious potion is sure to offer guests a wicked-good time. Makes: 40 cups Ingredients 6 cups of water 1 cup of sugar 5

[Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies]

Halloween is on the Way: Sweets, Treats, Lego, Pez and Much More!

The last few weeks have really felt a little bit magical, and the best is yet to come! I’m going to give my small corner of the UK a firm pat on the back this year, retailers have really stepped up and embraced Halloween 2014 in a way I’ve never seen before over here. The

[Guest Posts]

Salt Dough Halloween Magnets

Boring salt dough gets a terrific makeover with this tactile activity. Fun for boys and girls of every age, this enchanting craft will result in decorations that will haunt your fridge for years to come. Ingredients 2 cups of flour 1 cup of salt 1 cup of warm water An assortment of cookie cutters Paint

[Guest Posts]

What’s the Scoop? Eyescream

I’ll scream, and you’ll scream as you devour this eyescream. To make 16 sets of these gut-wrenching, no-mess treats, you’ll need: 1 gallon of vanilla ice cream Strawberry syrup 1 large bag of M&M’s Black icing pen Ice cream scooper Wax paper Cookie pan Directions: Step 1 Scoop the ice cream into balls and then

[Guest Posts]

A Cookie to Die For

Run as fast as you can and rustle up this wicked gingerbread man. With buttons for eyes and stitches that keeping him from falling apart, this devilish cookie will capture your heart. To make these 16 of these baddies, you need: 2 cups of softened butter 1 ¼ cup of white superfine sugar 2 eggs

[Contests and Giveaways]

Giveaway: $100 at HalloweenMakeup.com

Winner Olivia is the $100 winner! For everyone else, you can still use coupon code halloweenlove for 10% off at HalloweenMakeup.com. Thank you. If you’ve ever entered a giveaway on HL before, you know that’s it’s always incredibly easy to enter and that the prizes are always awesome. For a chance at winning $100 worth

[Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies]

Mystery Boxes Are a Horror Fan’s Dream Come True

There are few things in this world that are more exciting than the sight of the mailman or delivery driver walking up to your doorstep, with a package in his hands. No, not that package, you pervert. I’m of course referring to a cardboard box, just waiting for you to tear it open, like a

[Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies]

Halloween Countdown WordPress Plugin

Celebrate the countdown to Halloween with us each year if you run your own spooky website on WordPress. Demo And on the big day… Happy Halloween! (refresh page to see animation) Get It Download Now See all the goodies we’ve released here.

[Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies]

5 Minute Zombie

If I told you how often I have to get into quick zombie makeup you’d either applaud or be alarmed. Over the years I’ve developed a few key tricks to help me do it easily. One of the most important things you can do is get yourself good quality makeup. I know it costs more

[Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies]

The Blood is the Life — A Recipe

“I never knew what life was until it ran out in a red gush over my lips, and hands!” – Anne Rice Over the years – okay, about every other month – I get the opportunity to make fake blood for various reasons. Running a Zombie Walk requires, literally, gallons. But did you know that