
[Books and Comics]

Complete List of Monsters That IT Took the Form of 🎈

I’ve finally finished the book, carefully making note of all the monsters that IT appears as throughout. Hopefully this manages to be the complete, definitive list. Please let me know if I somehow missed anything! Clown Shark (from JAWS — my personal favorite and the fear that IT would use against me) Frankenstein’s Monster Dracula

[Bite-sized Horror]

The Penny Dreadful Sandbox

The new Showtime horror series Penny Dreadful needs no gimmicks. The writing, acting, production, etc. are already top-notch. However, in addition to that, there is a wonderfully open-ended sustainability to the show that they’ve set up. They’ve already shown us vampires, ghosts (?), Frankenstein’s monster, and other possible creatures with an only partially-linear construct to

[Books and Comics]

Thirteen Days Until Christmas

As of December 12th, 2013, there are thirteen days until Christmas comes around — a time of giving, a time of celebration, and a time of horror. To celebrate the holiday season, here are five short stories set in the winter time that will make your blood absolutely curdle. The Boy Who Killed Santa Claus