Something More

Something more, something special, personal, community, donations, petitions, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Guest Posts]

Make it to the Sequel: Horror and the Fight for Survival

I have a dark sense of humor. I once joked that if I woke up in a Saw trap, I wouldn’t play the game… I would just give up. I couldn’t see myself chopping off an arm or putting myself through some other bodily harm in hopes of making it out alive. Then again, I’ve

[Something More]

Let’s Talk About IT: Part II 🎈

Thank you Stephen King and Steven Weber. Thank you for the best storytelling experience, of any medium, I’ve ever had. My face is still dried out with tears as I write this. Thank you Stephen for writing the damn thing of course, and thank you Steven for the 45-hour-long reading! That’s right, I only made

[Guest Posts]

Horror and the Communal Experience

What is it about seeing something so scary we have to show it to our friends? Or maybe you’re too scared to see it alone and you have to drag someone along? This is not a new phenomenon, but it’s still a curious one. Depending who you see a horror movie with, it creates a

[Guest Posts]

Why I Choose to Get Scared

Since this is a little bit of an introductory piece for me, I figured, why not start at the beginning? Scream famously asked: “What’s your favorite scary movie?“ I want to recall how and why I got into horror and what it means to me now, and what I would like to see coming from

[Something More]

The Oscars: Women and Black People and Horror Movies, Oh My!

The Oscars have come under a lot of fire in recent years for their lack of diversity. Last week’s show appears to be the most diverse award show held yet. This of course is nothing new that I’m reporting here, as there’s been no shortage of coverage of these issues. I’m seeing plenty of coverage

[Something More]

You’re All Invited to Movie Night! 🍿

A new special event from Halloween Love, Movie Night. And really, truly, anyone in the world is welcome. Check it out and learn more about when and how it works: Movie Night For our very first Movie Night together, we’ll be watching Gremlins. Hope you can make it! 🍿

[Creator Corner]

Halloween Kids Book Kickstarter — Hello! Fat Crow!

Hello! My name is Jason Flowers and I am a comic/kids book artist! I wanted to tell everyone about my latest project, which is a Halloween kids book called: Hello! Fat Crow!. It tells the tale of a little fat crow that ventures to a forgotten graveyard to wake a skeleton named Mister Larry, so

[Creator Corner]

How to Make Your Own Short Horror Film for Halloween

Halloween is coming up in a few months (yes, I know everyday is Halloween around these parts), so it’s time to start preparing. I’m sure you’ve got your costumes ready, but why not put them to good use – not just for the party you’re planning to attend with that special person you’ve got your

[Bite-sized Horror]

Crispin Hellion Motherfuckin’ Glover

Crispin Glover, who finally made an appearance on the latest episode of American Gods, is indeed one of my own personal American Gods. I love that guy. While American Gods is one hell of an interesting show all on its own already (which you should check out if you haven’t yet), and the latest horror

[Something More]

Horror & Sci-Fi: Helping Us Cope with Reality

I don’t think any other genres can cover social commentary and widespread fears the way storytelling in horror and sci-fi are able to. There’s just something so rich about these genres that allows for the best palette. I think the heightened reality and poignant themes really illustrate complicated issues and ideas well. As pattern-seekers, we’ll