Twin Peaks


Alan Wake and the Remedy Connected Universe

Considering just how important Alan Wake is to me, it’s hard to believe it took me so long to write about it. To try and give you an idea of how much I like Alan Wake, you have to understand that it’s not just a top-10 video game for me, but a top-10 storytelling experience


Layers of Fear 2 is a Haunted House Simulator

I love, love, LOVED the first Layers of Fear game. Like the first game, Layers of Fear 2 is essentially what people would refer to as a “walking simulator.” However, I feel like the developers have basically created their own sub-genre, a “haunted house simulator.” At least, that is the very best possible way to

[Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies]

Twin Peaks Font & Style Download

I wanted to try styling up my own recreation of the Twin Peaks logo and credits font style. Here’s a screenshot of the real thing: I got it pretty close to matching the font, color scheme, and effects in Photoshop. Download and use as-is or improve upon what I started. Download Font & PSD Details:


Twin Peaks (2017) — First Impressions and Advice for New Fans

Oh my, I’m loving, absolutely loving the new Twin Peaks. It makes me happy in my tummy-tum-tum. It’s so hilarious, wonderfully bizarre, and has an insane amount of cameos. I’m not talking about returning actors and favorite characters, but famous actors in general who clearly just wanted to be in a Twin Peaks episode, popping


Twin Peaks Homework Done — Ready for its Continuation Here in 2017

I don’t think there’s any body of work, in either film or television, that has quite the same cult following as Twin Peaks. Despite knowing this for many years, only now, 27 years after its release, have I finally made the journey. In just the past few days, I binged my way through the first


The Most Awesome Images Found on Social Media: 5/12-5/16

We’ve reached the end of another week – thank god! – which means it’s time to once again take a look at the coolest, weirdest and/or most awesome images that I’ve stumbled across on social media this past week. So let’s get right to it, shall we?! The big topic of discussion all around the