The Haunted Mansion

[Creator Corner]

The Haunted Mansion (fan-film) Episode #1

Look, it’s pretty simple, I was just a kid who was 9 about to turn 10 in the summer of 1993 when the movie Jurassic Park was released. Every fiber of my being was primed for its arrival. Hell, I was even reading the novel by Michael Crichton to get my proverbial fix before the

[Creator Corner]

The Haunted Mansion — Fan Film Trailer

Greetings friends, my name is N.R. Van Slambrouck and I, as much as anybody, want to see the long, oft-rumored Guillermo del Toro Haunted Mansion film. But I think there are several financial reasons why it may not ever happen. In my dismay at thinking the only Haunted Mansion-related film we would ever be privy