
You Can’t Kill the Franchise Boogeyman

Though they might try. It’s become something of an inside joke for fans and industry professionals, that there would ever really be a “Final” nail in the coffin for any franchise boogeyman, though they seem to try and use that gimmick on us over and over again. Let’s take a quick look at the apparent


Black Mirror (the game) — Hey, I Recognize that Rune ᚦ

Admittedly, when I first started playing Black Mirror (unrelated to the TV show of the same name), I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. The controls were a bit janky, the animations a bit rough, it froze a few times, and the loading… reminiscent of PlayStation 1, where every new room you

[Video Games]

SOMA is the Matrix if the Humans Created It

SOMA has been on my must-play list for nearly 3 years now. I’ve finally checked it off my list. And it wasn’t on my list just because it’s a horror title, but because of who made it, Frictional Games. This is the same team who created Amnesia, possibly the scariest game I have ever played.

[Tutorials, Recipes, and Goodies]

Twin Peaks Font & Style Download

I wanted to try styling up my own recreation of the Twin Peaks logo and credits font style. Here’s a screenshot of the real thing: I got it pretty close to matching the font, color scheme, and effects in Photoshop. Download and use as-is or improve upon what I started. Download Font & PSD Details:


The Best Movie Trilogies of All Time

“Best of” lists are always very difficult. And it’s not tough to offend other movie lovers or blaspheme in some way. This is usually the case because many writers don’t make any distinction between when they’re being objective and when they’re being subjective. In other words, most of these lists are obviously very subjective in

[Something More]

You’re All Invited to Movie Night! 🍿

A new special event from Halloween Love, Movie Night. And really, truly, anyone in the world is welcome. Check it out and learn more about when and how it works: Movie Night For our very first Movie Night together, we’ll be watching Gremlins. Hope you can make it! 🍿

[Contests and Giveaways]

Halloween Costume Giveaway from CostumeSuperCenter.com

angela is the winner! Congrats! Thanks to Costume SuperCenter, an online Halloween costume store, we’re giving away $100 worth of costumes, props, and decorations. How to Enter Follow @CostumeSC Comment below and share your Twitter username Winner Selection One winner will be randomly selected on October 10th. Browse Costume SuperCenter Have fun and good luck!


A Very British Halloween: Retailer Review 1 — TK Maxx

Reluctant participation… that’s how I would describe the attitude of most UK retailers toward the Halloween season. They participate, but you always get the feeling that many of them would rather not be devoting a section of their store to spooky novelties that will only be sold for a limited time. In America it’s a

[Contests and Giveaways]

Halloween Costume Contest — 2017

This year’s winners are: For People: Baba Yaga’s House For Pets: Eleven (Stranger Things) Congrats! It’s time for the annual Halloween Love costume contest! Hashtag: #HLCostumeContest Permalink: halloweenlove.com/contest Prize This year we’ll be awarding a $100 Amazon gift card to the person with the best costume. Also, new this year, a $25 Amazon gift card


Download the Classic 1988 Chamber of Horrors Tape

Download Like Dinosaur Dracula (who I have to give credit for releasing it waaay before me), I too had this tape and listened to it quite a bit as a kid. I actually still have the original tape from that time, but 3-4 years ago, as I was archiving old videos, CDs, and tapes, I