
[Something More]

Please Help Me to Fund Halloween Love

$1,000/month Goal For sustainable funding, Monthly option preferred. Paying writers out-of-pocket and never making a profit, I’ve struggled my way through a full decade of creating fun, content, games, giveaways, and contests for the Halloween and horror community. And even if we don’t receive a single dollar from this attempt at funding, Halloween Love will


Ask for Donations, or Die Trying? $♥️

I have always had super-duper mixed feelings about donations, and have discussed that in the past here on HL. I don’t have an issue with donations, in and of themselves; I’ve happily made donations; I’ve happily accepted donations. It’s the asking or being asked part that gives me a bit of an icky feeling. Until

[Something More]

I’ve Been an HL Reader for Years and All I Got was this Lousy Shirt

I’ve been struggling to find a reasonable and affordable way to sell shirt designs. I’ve tried Zazzle, CafePress, Teespring, Spreadshirt, applying for Amazon Merch (no response yet), asking other sellers for advice, you name it, and nothing has been a good fit yet. The problem? Mainly, it comes down to price. These services all start

[Something More]

The Depressing State of the Horror Community

The horror community, we’re a ferociously passionate bunch. And contrary to what most outsiders might think of us weirdos who are obsessed with horror movies, we’re not violent, evil people. We’re often very sweet and kind people. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that we push ourselves to be