

I love horror, art, toys, comics, monsters and ANYTHING that came from the 1980s. Share our stuff and thank you for reading, we do it all for you!


If it Bleeds We Can Collect It: The Ambush Predator Has Returned After 22 Years

Long before convention exclusives and store exclusives there were two words that generated excitement in the heart of every young action figure collector – Mail-Away! The idea of chopping up backing cards to collect tokens, then dropping them into an envelope with a cheque for $5 and THEN watching the mail box for 12 weeks


Remember When McFarlane Toys Created a Sculpted Nightmare on Elm Street Poster?

Throughout the year 2006 and on into 2007, Mcfarlane Toys started making and releasing what I consider to be the most unique collectable items I’ve seen in recent years. A company that had become world famous for its ability to create top of the line action figures turned their attentions toward the realm of movie

[Bite-sized Horror]

Disney / Pixar Wants to Help You PURGE!

I Had to share this picture I grabbed a couple of days ago during a supermarket visit with the kids. A few minutes after we arrived my daughter ran over to me as I was wearily trying to decide which carrots to buy and started prodding my hand repeatedly and shouting “Can I have this


Seeing Another World: Halloween Love Meets Gus Fink

I’ve always believed that one of the biggest moments in any new relationship is the first time you visit your partners home. You can THINK you know someone fairly well after a few dates and a trip to the cinema, but if you want to REALLY know what you are getting into you need to

[Costumes and Masks]

Bad Eggs: Those Popular and Creepy Easter Bunnies Look Awfully Familiar to Me

You can always tell Easter has arrived when the classic “Terrifying Easter Bunny” pictures start appearing across the digital realm. Those faded moments in time where (hopefully) good natured individuals pulled on costumes and tried to entertain and amuse the local little ones – only to inadvertently become the spawn of Satan! I personally love


Jaws at 40: Ape Meets Girl Finally Meets Amity Island

The year was 1975 and one most perfectly crafted movies I have ever had the pleasure of watching was unleashed on the big screen. Here we are forty years later and Iā€™m going to be paying tribute to Jaws across multiple articles in the months leading up to the anniversary. This film, possibly more than