Something More

Something more, something special, personal, community, donations, petitions, and the like related to Halloween, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or the bizarre.

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: A Rat in the Desert

Yesterday I shared with you all a recurring nightmare I had a few years back that truly terrified me. It was one of those dreams you never forget and definitely never shake, but today I wanted to share a different kind of nightmare I used to have a regular basis. Much like with horror movies,

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Up and Down, Round and Round

When asked about recurring nightmares I always have one big one that comes to mind. I don’t have it anymore but a few years back, over the course of roughly six months, I would have this nightmare half a dozen times. The sequence of events was always the same and always cripplingly terrifying. The nightmare

[Guest Posts]

Real Nightmares: Drinks Are on Us

Although the surroundings are different, the nightmares that I’ve been having the past few years involve some of the same things. It starts like a regular dream, but turns nightmarish when a glass of liquid, varying between full to 1/4 full, is randomly sitting there. Without thinking, I grab it and chug it down. As

[Guest Posts]

Real Nightmares: Knock, Knock

I’ve had this recurring nightmare as long as I can remember. I’m sitting in the living room of my parent’s house, and even though I’m 30 years old now, I’m always a child (perhaps seven or eight) in this setting. Someone knocks at the door and I go through the kitchen and into the laundry

[Real Horror]

Real Nightmares: Mummy Stairs

In vein of the Real Nightmares reality show that never made it to air, I thought we’d have a little segment where we invite you, the reader, to share your own nightmares here on Halloween Love. Simply submit a guest post with a header in this format: Real Nightmares: [Simple, Title-like Description of Your Nightmare]

[Something More]

THE HORROR CLOSET #3 — Why the First Gay Slasher, Hellbent, Was the Last

HellBent was touted as the “first gay slasher film”. Released in 2005, it still stands as the first and for now – only gay slasher film of any real merit. It seems like such an easy sell, a group of attractive men head out into insert random, preferably isolated, location and they each get dispatched

[Something More]

The Descent (2005) — A Claustrophobe’s Worst Nightmare

By now Neil Marshall’s horror masterpiece The Descent has been given its fair share of praise, but when a film succeeds this well can we ever give it enough? The film is now eleven years old but I still find myself revisiting it at least once per year, often more, which is strange considering I

[Guest Posts]

THE HORROR CLOSET #1 — Musings of a Gay Horror Fiend

I have always been a weird kid. I was different, and my schoolmates never missed an opportunity to point it out to me. I was chubby, shy, and obsessed with becoming “a star”! I had no idea then, but I was a big ol’ nelly. It wasn’t until much later when I was watching Friday

[Guest Posts]

Embracing the Terror: What Was Once My Nightmare, is Now My Passion

At some point in our lives most of us were terrified of horror films. Somehow though, we still got to the point of near obsession where we can’t stop consuming what used to destroy us. How does this come to be? I don’t think I can answer for you guys but I can distinctly remember