[Something More]

A Taste of Texas Part 7: The Conclusion is a Love Letter

Highway 299 high up in the Trinity Alps. Nighttime. Nobody on the road. On the side of a mountain looking down into a valley as my girlfriend puked her guts up on the road’s shoulder. All those years of studying Leatherface and his clan led to this moment. All those years of wondering why the

[Creator Corner]

A Werewolf in Australia — Werewolf Vlogging Series

A Werewolf in Australia (a five-part comedy series about a werewolf vlogger) exists purely because I wanted to create something fun for Halloween. The series follows a werewolf named Colin who turns to vlogging to help other wolves and to come to terms with his own transformation. Throughout the episodes, he struggles with maintaining a

[Image of the Day]

Image of the Day: “Cemetery Deer” by Marilynn

This is our first ever “Image of the Day” post, and it comes from our very own Marilynn. In the photograph, we see several deer, each seemingly having chosen their own grave to lay on. But why? I would imagine the cool grass has a lot to do with it, but perhaps there’s a scientific


A Taste of Texas Part 6

The year was 1990. I was excited walking into the theater to watch Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III on its opening night. I avoided all media coverage about it (which was just Fangoria at the time), though I had seen a few promising photos. I wanted to be surprised. Would it live up to


Interview with Joe Bob Briggs

Everyone loves John Bloom and especially his horror-host persona Joe Bob Briggs. It’s nothing short of delightful to listen to this man speak. Even cooler, he’s kind enough to actually personally read and respond to his fan mail, which is surely daunting. And because he was kind enough to answer my questions, let’s dive in…

[Creator Corner]

A Witchy Claymation: The Adventures of Peggy & Linda

I love animation in all of its forms, but claymation is certainly my all-time favorite. Seeing 3-dimensional Plasticine people come to life is like breathing life into your favorite childhood toys. It’s just magical. When I realized that my neighbor Brian Shaw also shared a love for claymation films, we immediately agreed to start making

[Creator Corner]

A New 2019 Take on the Original ’78 Halloween Theme

Autumn is the most magical time of the year. Leaves change, lights rearrange, and the equinox sets the stage for the haunts to come out and play. My name is Sean E, a musician/producer/songwriter from San Francisco, CA, and the power of Fall drives my creative being. It all began in elementary school in a


A Taste of Texas Part 5

Watching the 1986 Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 was not like watching the original for the first time. Gone was that sense of realism, and absolute terror was not the norm throughout the film. It was, however, its own special kind of beast, and it was one I thoroughly enjoyed. The sequel had moments of terror.